Plastic and tupperware kitchenwares maybe sturdy, fancy and we all know the harmful effects of chemicals leaching into our food but still our fridges are full of plastic food storage containers and sometimes margarine tubs. In our current lifestlye its very difficult to avoid plastics and tupperware completely because our food and beauty products are packed in it, our car, mobile and computer are made from it. Plastic like Bisphenol A which is called BPA and Bisphenol S (BPS) have been shown to have hormone-mimicking and estrogenic properties. BPA has even been linked to breast cancer tumors. While BPA has been taken out of many plastics due to its ill effects, it has been routinely replaced with BPS, which may be even more toxic. Studies show that it’s now found in 81% of blood tested, and that it can lead to ailments such as diabetes, obesity, asthma, birth defects and cancer. Many plastic containers labelled with BPA FREE doesn’t mean it is safe. So what are all the alternatives ? Glass containers ? Few green resolution articles say that even glass containers contain lead or cadmium.
Steel cookwares are most preferrable more than aluminium or glass since cooking in aluminium sometimes degrades the aluminum due to acid and can leach into the food. Remember our gramdmas kitchen was usually loaded with stainless steel and copper cutlery, utensils, ladles and cookers. We carried lunch to school in steel boxes, mom’s sambar rice and potato fry yummm so many wonderful memories contained in a small steel dabba.
Here are some things to keep in mind
- Do not use plastic feeding bottles for infants beacuse when we sterilize in boiling water at high temperature it leach out plastic. Nowadays steel feeding bottles are available in market use them.
- A big NO NO to plastic water bottles, use steel sippers instead.
- Avoid plastic storage bags or plastic bags from the grocery store
- Aluminium foils, plastics coffee cups, paper cups are not safe
- Say No to straws.
- Do not microwave your food even in BPA free plastics
- When you get parcel in restaurant take your own container or ask them to pack food in banana leaf instead plastic covers.
- Pack your loveies lunches in steel dabbas
- Most of our Indian restaurants are serving food in plastic bowls and plates Avoid such restaurants or give them your feedback to change such utensils.
- Sip your hot soup or coffee in steel utensils
- Avoid Melamine tableware as it may also release large amounts of melamine when food served in high temperature