Honey is considered to be organic when it is taken from its natural location, the bee hive and certified organic by meeting the standards which includes source of the nectar, honey bees foraging areas, bees management,honey extracting process, transportation, processing temperature, and packaging materials. Honey that claims to be organic needs to be tested to make sure it doesn’t contain any pesticide residues or other environmental pollutants. The farm has to be monitored regularly with extensive testing and regular analysis of honey samples. The hives have to be free of non-prganic honey,sugar or antibiotics.
Store bought honey has added antibiotics and sugar that leads to blood related disorders and injurious to liver. Inverted sugar solutions and glucose syrups or corn are often used for making fake honey, mixing with it or replacing it entirely.
Another method for falsification of honey is feeding bees with sugar products.
Four ways to spot artificial honey
#1 The Thumb Test – Put a drop of the honey on your thumb. If it spreads around right away or spills, it’s not pure. If it stays intact, it’s pure.
#2 The Water Test – Fill a glass of water and add one tablespoon of “honey” into the water. Pure honey will lump and settle at the bottom of the glass. Adulterated and artificial honey will start dissolving in water.
#3 The Shelf Life Test – Pure honey will crystallize over time. Imitation honey will remain looking like syrup, no matter how long it is stored.
#4 Light a Fire – Dip the tip of a matchstick in “honey”, and then strike it to light. Natural honey will light the match easily and the flame will burn off the honey. Fake honey will not light because of the moisture it contains.
Honey Makes Excellent Cough “Medicine”
The World Health Organization (WHO) lists honey as a demulcent, which is a substance that relieves irritation in your mouth or throat by forming a protective film
Weight loss
1-3 teaspoons with a glass of lukewarm water provides instant energy and helps in weight management.
1-3 teaspoons with a glass of room temperature water, twice a day nourishes tissues and helps alleviate weakness in the nervous system.
Honey helps children sleep soundly
Studies concluded that honey reduced cough among children during the night and helped them sleep more soundly
Honey Can Treat Wounds
Honey has antibacterial, antifungal, and antioxidants activities that make it ideal for treating wounds.
Honey Improves Your Scalp
Honey diluted with a bit of warm water was shown to significantly improve seborrheic dermatitis, which is a scalp condition that causes dandruff and itching.
Help Boost Your Energy
A healthy, whole-food diet and proper sleep is the best recipe for boundless energy, but if you’re looking for a quick energy boost, such as before or after a workout, honey can suffice.
Reduce Allergy Symptoms
Locally produced honey, which will contain pollen spores picked up by the bees from local plants, introduces a small amount of allergen into your system. Theoretically, this can activate your immune system and over time can build up your natural immunity against it.
Honey for Herpes
Good-quality honey offers several topical wound-care benefits that can explain some of its success as a remedy for herpes sores
Honey home remedies
Honey Hair Conditioner: Mix ½ cup honey with ¼ cup olive oil. Work a small amount through your hair until coated. Cover your hair with a shower cap and let sit for 30 minutes. Shampoo as normal and rinse.
Honey Body Moisturizer: Mix 5 tablespoons honey, 2 tablespoons rose oil, and 2 cups almond oil in a medium-sized bottle. Apply as needed onto wet skin.
Honey Almond Scrub: Mix 3 teaspoons honey, 1 teaspoon olive oil, and 6 ½ tablespoons of finely crushed almonds. Rub the exfoliating scrub onto your face gently and rinse with warm water.
Points to note
Honey that are darker in color are considered to have more antioxidants.
Honey does not rot and can be preserved for long periods of time when sealed properly
Honey should not be given to infants under 12 months of age since it can lead to infant botulism.